Government College


An Academic Journal,
ISSN NO.0976-9625

Guidelines to Authors for Science Subjects

Guidelines to Authors for Science Subjects AUREOLE –An Academic Journal (ISSN 0976 –9625) is a well intended endeavour of the Barasat Government College to facilitate publication of papers/articles in the do main of Humanities, Science and Social Science. The Journal encourages upcoming as well as experienced researchers to publish their original works with new fundamental insights, views or results. For publishing papers in the journal, the authors need to be associated to an institution with specific academic assignments. The journal publishes full-length papers pertaining to any field/area within Humanities, Science or Social Science. Contributions should be concise to the extent possible. The presentation should be made in simple English language so as to be understood by a wider readership. The maximum length of a papers/article is usually restricted to 10 printed pages including illustrations, tables and such other inclusions.

Organization of the Manuscript: Full-length papers limited to 10 printed pages. Only softcopy should be mail.

Title Zone: The title zone of the manuscript should be the upper-half portion of the first page and should include the title, names and addresses of the authors, abstract and keywords.

Title: Keep the title brief, specific and informative and amendable to indexing. It should be typed in runnin g text with first letter of word as capital and Latin names in italics (16 pt bold in MSWord, Times New Roman font).

Name and Address: The name of authors and the address of the institution where the work was carried out should be mentioned below the title. Present address of correspondence, if different, should be given as footnote indicating by asterisk (*). E-mail addresses should also be indicated, if any (12 pt in MSWord, name(s) in small capital type).

Abstract: The abstract should clearly state the rationale, objectives, methods, views and important conclusions of the study. It should not exceed 180 words (10 pt in MSWord).

Key Words: The abstract should be followed by not more than five keywords indicating the contents of the paper and useful for abstracting purposes (10 pt in MSWord).

Main Text: The main text of the paper should start from 3 lines below the Keywords in the first page. The paper should beorganized in different sub-sections. Sub-section headings are to be typed in bold running text and flushed with the left-margin. The following scheme of organization of the paper in different sub-section may be considered to be adhered to: Introduction, Specific Problem to study and Methodology, New Insights or Views, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References. Wherever appropriate, results and discussion can becombined and Acknowledgements be omitted (12 pt in MSWord).

Introduction should be brief and limited to the statement of the problem and aim of the study.

Specific Problem to Study should be clearly spelled out and Methodology applied to study the same should be clearly stated. For well-known methods, citation of reference will suffice.

New Insights and Views which are relevant and are specifically applied to resolve the problem under study are to be clearly mentioned.

Results and Discussion should be clear to readers in different disciplines . Regarding the units of any measurement, authors are to stick to SI system.

Tables should be included within the text at relevant place with a heading stating its contents clearly and concisely. Numericaldata and calculations should be thoroughly checked.

Figures should be included within the main text of the paper at relevant places and should be of proportional size (with the text)as well as legible. Legends to the illustrations should be typed below the figure and information in the legend should not be repeated in the text and similarly, the same data should not be represented in both graph and table form. All figures, whether photographs, maps, graphs or line drawings should be numbered consecutively.

Line drawings of high quality and in the desired size would have to be included in the running text of the main body of the paper.Any inscription should be clearly legible.

Photographs if any, should be of high contrast, black and white or colour and of suitable size and should be embedded within the maintext.

Acknowledgements should mention only guidance or assistance received in real terms, and financial grant provided by anagency. Acknowledgements for inspiration, typing etc., need not be mentioned.

References in text, to be cited by author, would have to be in numerals within square brackets as [1] etc. Multip le citations should be in multiple numbers within the square brackets as [2-7, 10, 15] where the first part indicates that references numbered 2 to 7 are all cited. Details of references are to be in the following format:

  1. P. K. Das: Ionic Liquids –the ‘green solvents’ Acad.J. Aureole, 112-18(2009).
  2. I. S. Bisht, R. K. Mahajan, T. R. Loknathan and R. C. Agarwal: Diversity in Indian sesame collection a nd stratification of germplasm accessions in different diversity groups. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 45, 325-335 (1998).
  3. M. De Sarkar: Heal Effects of outdoor Air Pollution – A Panoramic View, Acad. J. Aureole 1, 45-65 (2009).

Submission of the Manuscript: E-Mail address:

Declaration I declare that the enclosed manuscript entitled “...........................” represents results of original work that have not been published elsewhere. This manuscript has not been and will not be submitted for publication else where until a decision is made regarding its acceptability for publication in the Aureole-an Academic Journal. If accepted for publication, it will not be submitted elsewhere. Furthermore, if there are any perceived financial conflicts of interest related to the research report in the manuscript, I have disclosed it in the author’s notes.