Barasat Government College

NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade (2nd cycle) & DST-FIST Sponsored College
Affiliated to West Bengal State University
ISO Certified - 9001:2015, 14001:2015, 50001:2018

  • 033 2552 3365


Research Committee Annual Report

  • Research Committee Annual Report (2018-19 to 2022-23) : Download

On going Project activity

Ph.D. Supervision activity

Aureole Journal

Research Institute visit

  • List of academic visits at various research institutes and universities : Download

DBT-BOOST II Scheme 2016-17 Barasat Govt. College Govt. of West Bengal

Barasat Govt. College has made quality efforts towards promotion of research in the campus. Post Graduate Departments of Zoology and Botany of Barasat Govt. College has received Research and Development grant supported by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), under the BOOST Scheme, Govt. of West Bengal in 2016-17 to procure equipments for infrastructure up gradation of research laboratories.

Details of the Grant:

Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal has sanctioned Rs. 35 lakhs for procurement of equipments and strengthening of infrastructure facility of college for student’s academic improvement and research purpose (Sanction Order Number and Date: 118/10/BT (Estt)/1P-4/2013 dated 15.02.2017). The major facilities created under the BOOST support are basic science laboratories, networking and computational and infrastructural facilities.

Program Coordinators

Dr. Jukta Adhikari, Prof., Dept. of Botany                                          
Dr. Jayati Ghosh, Associate Prof., Dept. of Zoology

Equipments Purchased:

  1. Trinocular Stereo Zoom Microscope with fibre optic cold light source & Photography attachment
  2. Stereo zoom Binocular Microscope with drawing, Gooseneck and photomicrography   
  3. Thermal Cycler
  4. Fraction collector for column chromatography
  5. Distillation plant
  6. -20-degree C Freezer
  7. Laminar air flow hood
  8. Autoclave
  9. Fume hood


  • Equipment facility is made available to all UG/PG students to fulfill their academic needs. Post Graduate students have greatly benefitted due to the demonstration of In-house Biological Instruments.
  • BOOST sponsored facility was utilized by the Ph.D. students working in the Dept. of Botany and Zoology for their research works.
  • Five students from Dept. of Botany and two students from Dept. of Zoology were placed in the Ph.D. program of universities and reputed Research Institutes having been benefitted from the BOOST sponsored facility.
  • Faculty members and students participated in National/International/Provincial Seminar/Conference/Workshop arising from work done using the BOOST sponsored facility:
Sl. no. Title of the Seminar/Conference/Workshop No. of participants
1. International 7th India Biodiversity Meet 2019 - organized by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, held on, 19-21 November 2019. Four PG students & two Faculty members (Zoology)
2. National e-poster competition on “March towards better future with clean environment” - organized by the IQAC  & P.G. Dept. of Conservation Biology, Durgapur Government College and Durgapur Wildlife Information & Nature Guide Society (WINGS) on 5-12 June, 2020 One PG student & one Faculty member
(Second Prize Winner) (Zoology)
3. International E-Conference on “Conservation of Wild Taxa: Present Scenario” – organized by Dept. of Botany, Shri Yashwantrao Patil Science College, Solankur, Maharashtra. 5th February, 2021 One Faculty member (First Prize Winner) (Zoology)
4. Modern Trends in Biotechnology, 2020 (National seminar) Three (Botany)
5. Hemocytes: Effective Bio-Indicator for Environmental Threats13th and 14th March, 2020 (National seminar) Five (Zoology)
6. Invertebrate Hemocytes as Bio-indicator for Environmental Hazards Indicating 'Planetary Crisis' December 29, 2019 (International seminar) One (Zoology)
7. Global Warming May Influence Threats of Environmental Pollutants on Morpho-Functional Diversity of Invertebrate Hemocytes. 2nd August 2019 One (Zoology)
8. National Conference on Effect of Pollutants on Death Profile of Invertebrate Defensive Cells (Hemocytes) 27-28 Feb,2019 One (Zoology)
9. National Conference on Different Categories of Haemocytes Found in Insects (Orthoptera)Collected From Navegaon and Tadoba National Park and Its Adjoining Areas 27-28 Feb,2019 Two (Zoology)
10. National Seminar on Water conservation and harvesting: Focusing biodiversity issues and management organized by SEBA in collaboration with WBBB, WBPCB and BSED at IICE, Jadavpur Feb 8, 2020 Two (Zoology)

Dr. Srijit Bhattacharya, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, Barasat Govt. College

Informal Collaborations with the following groups in nuclear physics:

  • LAMBDA GROUP, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1/AF Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700064. Collaboration with LAMBDA GROUP (Dr. Deepak Pandit, Dr. Supriya Mukhopadhyay, Dr. Surajit Pal, Dr. Debasish Mondal) for 14 years (since the year 2003).

    Work done: Fabricated 164-element Barium Fluoride detector array for high energy gamma ray detections. Performed large number of experiments using accelerators at VECC, Kolkata and TIFR Mumbai.


    Research papers published in collaboration so far: 33 in international journals with high impact factors. three notable research publications:

    • 1) Effect of high angular momentum on h/s of nuclear matter.
      Srijit Bhattacharya et al. Physical Review C 103, 014305 (2021).
    • 2) Puzzle of collective enhancement in the nuclear level density
      Deepak Pandit, Balaram Dey, Srijit Bhattacharya, et al. Physics Letters B816, 136173 (2021).
    • 3) Experimental determination of eta/s for finite nuclear matter.
      Srijit Bhattacharya in D Mondal et al, Physical Review Letters 118, 192501 (2017).
  • Prof. N. Quang Hung Institute of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Duy Tan University, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam.


    Prof. D Dang, Quantum Hadron Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, RIKEN, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako city, Saitama 351-0198, Japan.

    Work done: Use of theoretical models along with measured experimental data to unfold the atomic nuclear properties at low excitation energies (nuclear superfluidity, pairing, etc).

    Research papers published in collaboration so far: 4 in international journals with high impact factors.

    1. Proton entropy excess and possible signature of pairing reentrance in hot nuclei. in press (2021)
    2. S-shaped heat capacity in an odd-odd deformed nucleus. Srijit Bhattacharya in B. Dey et al. Physics Letters B789, 634 (2019).
    3. Exotic nuclear shape due to cluster formation at high angular momentum. Srijit Bhattacharya in B. Dey et al. Physical Review C Rapid Publication 102, 031301 (R) (2020).
    4. Probing the critical behavior in the evolution of GDR width at very low temperatures in A∼100 mass region . Srijit Bhattacharya in B. Dey et al,Physics Letters B731, 92 (2014).
  • Dr. Balaram Dey, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Bankura University
    collaboration publication : 20 papers in high impact international journals.
  • Dr. Alokkumar De, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, Raniganj Girls' College, Bardhaman
    collaboration publication: 25 papers in high impact international journals.

You can find details of Research Spotlights, Publications and book chapters under departmental pages.